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생명을 존중하고 배려하는 기술 How To Run In Prosthetic Legs

생명을 존중하고 배려하는 기술 How To Run In Prosthetic Legs

Disabled Dog, Daisy Learned How To Run In Prosthetic Legs.mp4

Kraito Krombongus 
I came from a lost csgo game angry as shit, now this made me melt and feal good again :)
+Kraito Krombongus I know how you feel bro...
rico wijaya 
+Kraito Krombongus cyka blyat rush b!
Scott Campbell 
That is fantastic. Watched your old videos from week 1. Awesome!
David Hunanyan 
lovely, dogs are just born to love and be loved
I'm so happy to see her smile (^^)
J Taneli 
That underbite!! so cute.
nina e 
thank u for sharing made my day! Daisy has the biggest smile!
Magne johansen 
Made my day, just got news about neihboorgh cat beeing eaten by a hawk. afraid for my ones. Great video! :)
Neihboorgh? Typo, stupid, or ESL?
Savian Amural 
Awww sooo adorable <3.
This thing looks kind of funny.
That guy with a face 
+DC LiTe ツ CSGO & More! are you talking about the dog
+The RANDOM Gamer the piece on the dogs foot

Hadit Chong 
God bless you and your beautiful dog..!
maulena s 
LOVE you, Daisy !!! I can't believe she is RUNNING in them, jumping, spinning around. She has gained SO MUCH strength and coordination from her first times where she just fell over sideways. They are perfect for her !!! I like the new ones with less "tires" on the bottom. They are more like the (human) runner's prostheses.
Stuart Watt 
Oscar Pawstorious!
應該安樂死那些按噓的人= =
Nightitude Official 
name of the song please
realmente se ve feliz
Well spent money.. this is where some of the money should go to. To disabled dogs and especially disabled street dogs without homes around the world.
that is one happy dog. look at that grin at the end! :3
Jonathan Wood 
Now, you just have to fix that under-bite.
Cie Tai 
+Jonathan Wood Underbites don't affect the quality of a dog's life.
Ace Ventura 
+Cie Tai And that's a response from a person who can't take a joke.
Cie Tai 
+Christopher Dennis And that's a response from a person who can't take joke.
dawwwwwww that's just about the most adorable thing I've seen... She's just so happy!
nicsi r 
She always looks so happy and full of life despite her condition. Thank-you for saving her and giving her the wonderful life she deserves. I hope that one day i can help and take of a rescue dog. They give so much.
Sam Booth 
This made me extremely happy.
corima lumen Riubegez 
Lefty Guns 
Happier than a popcorn fart!
-_-Weasel gamer101-_- 
+Sheena Main I made a vid and mentioned your name for people to check your channel is that ok plz forgive if not I just want to spread the message.
Gitanjali Nandan 
Beautiful! Thank you for you, and for daisy.
J. xSaegerx 
Look how happy she is, this makes my day good! :)
Damjan Podboj 
Really nice gesture, she is adoreble, thumbs up :)))
can please someone help me to contact them for my dog. please please please i've been suffering for 7 years now to get such a thing for my dog. please if anyone knows how to contact them please please help me. thanks a million for posting this.
so cute! Good job to whoever made this.
Kat M. 
Thank you, Sheena, for taking such good care of Daisy. You're a very good doggy Mom. ;)
Lara Martimez 
I love it soooooooo cute
Average Joe 
Like all cripples, this dog should be put down.
Елена Резниченко 
Это замечательно. Хозяева, вы прекрасные добрые волшебники.
Cat Cat 
que lindo eu to emocionada
jay dub 
dont stop me from thinking about all the pups on dead row at the pound
Arno Winter 
prachtig voor de hond.
If seeing the joy on that pup doesn't make you at least a little happy, you have no soul.
Floowky Ky 
THE best video ever
Troll Monster 
whoever did this is a stud.